Vendor Information
Please read and heed the following instructions and information ApplyNon-Profit ApplicationOriginal Artwork only
- By completing the application, you agree to operate your booth from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on Saturday, October 4th 2025 and 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on Sunday, October 5th 2025.
- If you depart early, you forfeit future participation in AITP.
- There will be no rain dates and no refunds for “no shows”.
- If you cancel before September 1st, 2025 and that booth can be filled, you may receive a refund, full or partial.
- Exceptions to above at discretion of AITP Chairperson.
- Sierra Vista has animal control ordinances. With the exception of service animals, no animals are allowed in the park during show hours. Liability, sanitation and comfort of patrons require that we all comply.
- If you bring a pet(s), you must keep it in your RV. You cannot bring it into the exhibit space.
- You will recover animal waste your pet produces. (this applies to service animals too)
AZ TRansaction privilege (TPT)
- The State of Arizona mandates each exhibitor/booth will have an Arizona TPT Number. The HAA, prior to the show, will submit a list of these numbers to the State. The responsibility for AZ TPT is between each vendor and the State of Arizona. See Application Form Instruction Sheet and Hints for instructions on obtaining this number.
- You may request to share a booth with another vendor, but unless you are a business that makes your art together under one business name, each person must have a different AZ TPT #.
- Applying for Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax: This is a Transaction Privilege Tax License issued by the State of Arizona .Click Here This screen says New User Enrollment
How to apply or register a business with the State of Arizona
You may obtain the Arizona Joint Tax Application (JT1) in person at one of their locations or you may obtain it through The Arizona Department of Revenue website.
Select Forms, then Transaction Privilege (Sales). If you want a Business License to participate in Art in the Park only, select Form for Special Event Licensing. If you are going to sell your merchandise at the other events in AZ, select Business License Joint Tax Application. Complete the Form and return to the Arizona Dept. of Revenue.
- Security guards will be on duty from Friday evening to Sunday evening. Nevertheless, you are responsible for possessions left at your site after closing hours. AITP and Huachuca Art Association, Inc. (HAA) are not responsible for loss or damage incurred during the event.
- Begins with check in at the information booth
- Check-in is no earlier than noon on Friday, October 5th, 2025. We will control access to minimize congestion.
- Requires a canopy at least 10’x10’. We also recommend night and weather side closures.
- STAKING OF TENTS/CANOPIES IN NOT ALLOWED IN THE PARK. Vendor must use weights. The recommendation is 40 to 60 pounds per canopy leg. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO HAVE CONTROL OF YOUR TENT DURING SET UP ESPECIALLY IF WINDY CONDITIONS. UNEXPECTED EVENTS SUCH AS A MICROBURSTS CAN HAPPEN SUDDENLY, EVEN UNDER OTHERWISE MILD CONDITIONS. It is important to put weights on each leg or have ready before raising the canopy. For more information, go to:
We hope to make it as easy as possible for everyone to conform to this new policy. It may take some extra inventiveness on your part, but we know you’re all a creative bunch, or you wouldn’t be doing Art in the Park in the first place. See you in October,
Gary Shreve, President, HAA
EXhibit space
- Space size is approximately 15 feet across and approximately 30 feet deep. For safety reasons your vehicle must be parked in your space 30 minutes before the show opens and it must remain there until closing time. If you cannot park your vehicle behind your booth, you will need to park off sight at the Apache School. Our customers need the close parking.
- Vendors may over-night behind booth space only if their camper or van does not impede the traffic alley behind booths.
- The front 10 feet of your space must be reserved for your display and canopy; no vehicles can be parked in that space.
- Please help us insure that both your booth and your neighbor’s booth can be seen by our customers.
- You are responsible for the physical appearance of you booth area and keeping the area clean.
$275 for Art in the Park Booth/ $225 if a member of HAA
$300 for Corner Booths/$250 if a member of HAA
Electricity booth #’s: 1-18 and 179 and 180, add $25
Membership dues for HAA membership are:
$35/year for individual
$40/year for family
Membership year is January 1st through December 31st
If you wish to become a HAA member, you must enclose the Membership Application in the same envelope as the Art in the Park Application. Or apply online for HAA Membership.
RV Parking
$20 w/electric per night (Friday and Saturday)
$15 w/out electric per night
No Sunday overnight due to insurance issue
booth assignments
- Assignments may change up to the day of the show. If you set up in a space other than your assigned space you will relocate.
- Because we print a map of vendor locations, no swapping by vendors is allowed.
We will process your application only if you complete all fields/space Download ApplicationApply On-Lineapply my mail
- Download application or contact Lois Bravo 520-803-0584 or email to request a paper application.
- Complete ALL fields to include signature and Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax Number
- Enclose check or money order payable to” Huachuca Art Association”. All checks will be deposited on receipt, however this does not mean automatic acceptance.
- Images of all types of art in your booth. Photos may not be returned.
- Mail to: HAA/Art in the Park, 1835 Paseo San Luis, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635. Applications postmarked by Sept. 1, 2025 will be given priority.
Apply On-line
- Open application at website,
- Complete all fields, to include electronic Signature and Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax Number
- Pay application fee using your PayPal account or credit or debit card. Payments are processed through PayPal.
- NOTE: If you registered for the show and subsequently withdraw/request a refund, we will deduct PayPal processing fees from the check amount we send.
- Digital images of all the types of art in your booth should be in jpeg format.
- Applications submitted by Jan 1, 2025 will be given priority. Application cut off date is September 1st 2025.